Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fieldtrip to Sutter Hill Fire Station

Chloe's preschool took a fieldtrip to the Sutter Hill Fire Station last week. We took a ride on the fire truck, Chloe got to squirt the fire hoses (3 times!), we saw a demonstration from the fire fighters regarding their fire clothing & equipment & Smokey the Bear came out to say a big "hello" (Chloe loved him so much!!) It has made us think a lot about an "escape plan" at home in case of emergencies like fires. We have been talking about fire saftey at home & at school for a couple of weeks now...they have even had a couple of fire drills at school (the first one scared Chloe as she thought there was a real fire...but she was prepared the second day they had a fire drill and did just fine!) We are so amazed at our children & how they learn & grow. Chloe can read all the letters in the alphabet, she can even read a couple of words in books now, & she can read her numbers 1-10 (she can count much higher but the reading is brand new!!) Her vision seems just fine & her glasses do not slow her down one bit. She can write her name and a lot of the other letters of the alphabet, too. She has made some wonderful friends & is really thriving in her preschool (and we think it is so wonderful for her). Eliot is in EVERYTHING...I am on my toes with that one & I am more exhausted now than ever. It can be tough to raise kids. I am being challenged, & gently reminded that the Lord is big enough for this & will refine me & strengthen my faith. But, it is hard. Some days are just hard. Some days are lonely. Some days I just need to vent even when my problems are silly & small. So, thanks for letting me.:)

Chloe touching the fire jacket.

The fire man showing us his 45 pounds of equipment that he carries on his back.

Chloe & I took a fun fire truck ride!!:) Her buddies Julis, Isabella & Megan were with us. Her buddy Caleb was in the front helping the driver & pushing the buttons for the sirens, lights, & horn.

Chloe squirting the fire hose...her buddy Caleb waiting to take another turn!

Chloe's class checking out the fish in the pond & waiting for Smokey's arrival...

Chloe loved Smokey...she just kept hugging him over & over again (and this is HUGE for her as she is so very timid & shy).

Chloe with her best buddy Megan & Smokey.

The cute. I totally remember photos like this of me when I was her age.

They all got fire hats!!

Even Eli was dressed for the day!!


Anonymous said...

Smokey the Bear, Smokey the Bear, grawling and a prowling and sniffing the air. He can find a fire before it starts to flame. That's why they call him smokey, that's how he got his name.

Anonymous said...

This was a happy day...I can tell by the hugs and cute smiles!

Gma Julie