Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Eli...our busy, goofy, muppet boy!

I decided to make this post about Eli...poor guy, doesn't get as much blog time so, I thought it was high time I just posted an update on him. He is busy...he is goofy...he is our muppet boy...and what do I mean by that? Well, he is very animated, he uses his whole face & body to smile (looks like a muppet...it is sooooo cute) and the way he walks & runs almost looks like someone else is helping him along (again, very muppet like & oh so cute!!) I have really had to modify a lot of what I do & where I go for him because of how busy & into everything he is...but that is starting to change. In the last week he has begun to listen more, & is just interested in playing with toys & containing himself instead of us having to be constantly trailing him worrying what he might get into or worrying that he may hurt himself or something else. Let's just say that my running shoes are worn out with this one! But, last nite we had dinner with some good friends & the adults were able to sit down & visit & play cards while the kids played...and I only got up to check on them a couple of times mainly because it was so quiet & they were playing so well (an answer to prayer!!!:) ) Eliot is starting to talk more & more. He can say ease (please), mama, dada, whoa, wow, uh-oh, no-no-no (hmmmm...where does he get that from???), det down (get down), aaaaamum (amen), hi-hi (it comes in two's or a really long hi-eeeeeeeeee), aaa done (all done)...I think that is it except for his Eliot-speak. He is cutting more teeth. He loves his blue teddy blankie that he sleeps with & carries around with him with his fingers in his mouth. I am so thankful that we are so blessed to have these children. Thank you, Lord. So, enjoy some cute photos of our beautiful, busy boy!!:)

He can climb up on anything in the house...we have found him up on the highest part of the couches or counters & I am surprised that he isn't climbing out of his crib...at least not yet...sigh....

This is how he rolls...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that little boy's looks. He looks like ALL boy. Sorry about your running shoes, Kristi.

Thank you for the update.

Gma Julie

Amybelle said...

I can't believe that first picture. I LOVE IT! It was so funny that you just caught him at the perfect moment. Uncel Trev and Auntie Amy love those little ones!