Friday, June 08, 2007


Life's good & we are so blessed. Eliot had his two week check up & he is now 8lbs 9oz, 21 1/2" long (50% for weight, 84% for height). We only get up to feed him once at night (he sleeps 4-5 hours already...very nice). He is more & more alert & constantly moves & babbles at us. This morning he rolled onto his side from his back in his gym (we think this was a fluke but surprising nontheless). Nate & I are shocked to see how strong he is. He lifts his head pretty well & can push up on us with his legs. I guess this is what you get when you have a boy...:)
I am feeling very good. I stopped having to use pain meds about 3 days ago & so far I have lost 25 lbs in the last two weeks & boy does that feel great!! I still have a little bit of the pregnant pooch belly, but it is still contracting down and I seem to lose more weight every day.
We took Chloe & Eliot to the movies on wednesday and that was a blast! This was Chloe's first time going to the Theater to watch a movie. We saw Shrek the 3rd. When we first walked in, Nate was holding Chloe and when she saw the big screen she started yelling "oh wow" and "oh my" was hilarious! She sat and ate her popcorn and drank her little diet coke through most of the movie. Eliot ate right at the beginning of the movie and then slept in the bjorn on me for the rest of it. It was a great success!! Below is a cute photo of our son asleep in his bouncy seat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has already changed SO much!

Gma Julie