Saturday, July 29, 2006


Chloe is 15 mos old now & continually amazes us. Some of her newest accomplishments are: she knows the hand motions to twinkle, twinkle, she can blow kisses, she plays ball (rolling the ball back to you), she understands small commands & follows through with them (like when we ask her to bring us certain things she will or when we ask her to turn a book page she will, etc), she uses utencils when eating on a more regular basis & drinks from a regular cup (I still help her with the utencils, but she is able to scoop food on spoons more & more and is able to stab at food with a fork & bring that food to her mouth to eat it & I do have sippy cups on hand just in case), she is interested in the potty, but I think it is still a bit too early for it, but I can see it won't be too long before the potty training ensues, she can stack blocks, dances all the time, & finally, as the photos show below, she is starting to color & loves it! Her vocabulary is still pretty small, but when you say phrases like "I love you" she will try to mimick you back & definately make the tonal noises correctly (kinda like scooby doo). I wrote her name on the paper, & showed her what to do with the crayons & she caught on pretty quick (she wanted to stick them in her mouth at first but after showing her how to use them properly a couple of times she really got the idea...what a smart girl!!)


Anonymous said...

That's my granddaughter there. She is so smart. Tell her grandpa loves her.

Kristi said...

we'll do, grandpa!!:)

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!!!!!

Hugs & Kisses
Aunt Jo