Saturday, January 21, 2006

For Sale

Ok, so Nate and I have been praying and praying and have begun to see doors opening for us to move. So, as of yesterday afternoon our home went on the market and is for sale. We are nervous, excited, anxious, but ready to walk by faith on this. We believe the Lord has been calling us to move (our home is pretty small and if we want to expand our family in the future we need a bigger place). Nate and I were joking with eachother last night saying that you know your house is on the market when you sign a bunch of paperwork that is written in a language you mostly understand, english, and you have no idea what it says and no money has exchanged hands...yet. We are looking to move to the foothills. We are not really sure when all this will happen, I mean the actual sale of the home. Homes are taking longer to sell these days so we have to be patient (but now is a good time to sell before Chloe is older and understands more...moving is hard enough on parents). Thankfully we have the time because we really were not thinking of moving this year. And we have a place to go, my parents (thankfully) until we buy a new home. So, the Lord is really good and has a plan and we are just trusting in Him. Homes are a lot of money and we just want to make sure we are good stewards of our money that really belongs to Him anyways. So, please pray for us, our nerves, that we will get the price we are asking and that all this will go smoothly for us. And, as always, I will keep you updated on the progress of this new adventure. Thank you in advance for your prayers and thoughts. In the meantime, enjoy a few more photos posted below.

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