My sis, Dianne, is having her 2nd baby, another girl, on Feb 10th. We know the exact due date and time actually, 9:30am, because she is scheduled for a c-section about a week and a half earlier than her actual due date. We are excited for the arrival of our newest niece and Chloe will love having another girl cousin to play with! My mom and I threw her a baby shower yesterday and it was a lot of fun. Chloe loved to see her friend Mekenzie (see photo below) and also her friend Bryn (I unfortunately didn't get any photos of Bryn). It worked out perfectly to have the babies at the shower since a baby shower is all about babies!! Everyone just oohhed and aaahhhed over them!! Hope, the big sis-to-be, was with her daddy having a daddy-daughter day.
We had a great turn-out, food, conversation and catch up (I hadn't seen a lot of these women in a long time and that was fun to see how everyone was doing). We had a fun game of baby bingo, and then I read a really fun and neat baby shower devotional for/to Dianne. My mom and I bought Dianne 8 different items for the baby and each item stood for a different aspect of Christian parenting and each had a verse to go along with it. The item that was most significant to me was the Children's Bible which, of course, stands for the Word of God. The verse was "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:7 I also have been meditating on the verse "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6 This verse went along with an item of baby clothing which represented clothing your child in prayer. This devotion and baby shower was a great reminder to me to continually make Jesus the focal point, give it ALL to Him, pray about ALL aspects regarding you, your spouse, your children, extended family, friends, and the world in general (although the devotion focused mainly on prayer for our kids since this was a baby shower!!:) ). It is so comforting to have a God that listens and wants to hear our prayers.