Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!! This is Chloe's 1st valentine's, of course, & we are celebrating by making something special for daddy, & just hangin' out & having fun playing. We will probably go to the park this afternoon & swing (we do this a lot & it is such fun!!) Chloe likes the park a lot, but in a very thoughtful way. She just watches everyone & seems to soak it all in.

It has been so warm here, in the low 70's, this week that I have had to put shorts, short sleeves & sandals on Chloe & then put sunblock on her. It is just a taste of what is to come this spring & summer. I can't wait, either. I look forward to our vacations, our camping, swim lessons for Chloe with her newest cousin Hailey, picnic's, & I could go on and on. I know the weather is turning cold again in a couple of days but soon it will be warm & stay warm & we will wish for the fall & winter again. But for now we are just enjoying all that God has blessed us with (& we are so blessed!!:) ). Enjoy the photos below.

1 comment:

Jason and Trish said...

Cute pictures of Chloe!!! She looks like she's having a ton of fun crawling and cruising around. From here on out it becomes much more interesting, and fun! :)