Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pig Bowl

Nate was apart of the the Pig Bowl team this year. This is an annual football game played usually towards the end of each Jan (this year it was on the 28th). This game is called Pig Bowl or Guns Vs Hoses or Hogs & Dogs (guns and hogs meaning law enforcement and the hoses and dogs meaning firefighters). This is a football game of law enforcement against firefighters in the greater sacramento area. Although any law enforcement agency can participate, Sac County Sheriff has the biggest turn out. This is a fundraising event and this year the funds went to support the families of the 5 men (4 law enforcement and 1 firefighter) who gave their lives this year...most died in the line of duty. Nate was so honored to be apart of this fundraising event and I am so proud of him, too. The hogs won 17 to 13. It was an exciting game!! Below is a photo of Nate with a fellow teammate and one of the hogs cheerleaders.

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