Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Prayer Request

We took Chloe to another eye doc app today & the doc confirmed what we thought to be true; our baby girl needs surgery. After discussing our options with the doc, we agreed that she truly does need the surgery to correct her eye alignment. So, we are asking for lots of prayer. We have a few more apps with her eye doc & her pediatrician before the surgery. The surgery will most likely take place towards the end of August. Chloe will be placed under general anesthesia for the surgery with a breathing tube put down her throat (doesn't that sound awful...snif, snif). Her doc is going to be working on four of the six muscles that control her right eye. It is an outpatient surgery which means we can take her home for her recovery pretty quickly after the surgery is done (such a blessing). The photo below shows Chloe in her "cool shades" as she calls them. Her eyes were dilated for sometime after the doc app today so it felt nice to her to keep the sunglasses on that her doc gave her to wear home (not to mention that she looks so cute in them & is so proud of them!!) We thank you for your prayers & take comfort in the fact that our Lord is in control.


Dan said...

Give my girl a big kiss from Grandpa Danny and tell her that Jesus loves her and everything is going to be ok.
God is in control

Anonymous said...

Some more of those great accessories! I don't blame her for NOT wanting to take them off for her nap!

Everything is going to turn out OK.

Much love,

Grandma Julie

Anonymous said...

I prayed for her, she is a precious child of God and He will use her eyes to be a blessing for His glory!

Love Aunt Jo