Kristi and I read to Chloe last night before bed. She was just entranced by the sound of my voice. It was really neat.
We read the first chapter of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." by C.S. Lewis.
13 years ago
She was born via C-section at 2:47am. She weighed 8 lbs 11 1/2 oz. and was 20 1/2" long. She wasn't breathing when she was delivered, and I saw the nurses and doctors take quick action to prompt her to take her first breaths. I was really worried about both of my girls at that moment, and I wondered what I would do if I lost them both. One of them hadn't yet taken a breath, in spite of being out in the world for more than two minutes, and the other was pale and exhausted on the operating table, with doctors hastily stitching her back together.